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Yowamushi Pedal is a manga series written and illustrated by Watanabe Wataru. It is published by Akita Shoten and serialized in the Weekly Shōnen Champion magazine.
The Spare Bike chapters are extra stories not directly connected to the current plotline of the manga. The first Spare Bike compilation volume, which includes Makishima Yusuke, Shinkai Hayato, and Toudou Jinpachi's Spare Bikes, was released on December 8th, 2014. It was first serialized in the Weekly Shōnen Champion during 2012-2013 and then moved as a serial in the Bessatsu Shōnen Champion from 2014 till the present time....FANDOMYowamushi Pedal Wiki
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By combining creative and business production, Tom Entertainment has the comprehensive power to promote one-stop activities from the creation of IP (intellectual property) to the improvement of customer satisfaction, centering on "Animation production business" "video licensing business" and "content business".
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